Douglas Gertner
Doug is a management consultant, educator and
author with over 20 years of training and development experience. His
career includes service provided to large corporations, small businesses,
non-profits and higher education. He has taught at 10 colleges and universities
in the U.S. and has published articles on a variety of topics.
Core Competencies:
- Team Development
- Gender & Cultural Diversity Issues
- Supervision & Presentation Skills Training
- Communication & Conflict Resolution Skills Coaching
- Change, Stress & Time Management Seminars
- Balancing Professional & Personal Life Priorities
Education & Certifications:
- B.A. in Anthropology & Sociology, Kenyon College
- M.A. in Higher Education, Columbia University
- Ph.D. in Psychology, University of Northern Colorado
- Graduate Certificate in Women’s Studies, Colorado
State University
- Certified in Skillscope and other assessment instruments,
Center for Creative Leadership
- Professional development in mediation, conflict resolution,
intercultural communication and coaching.
Doug has held leadership roles in a variety of non-profits
and editorial positions for some association journals. In an effort
to practice what he teaches about work/life balance, Doug enjoys skiing,
mountain biking, music and spending time with his wife and son.
“At the confluence of balance and passion,
we find boundless joy and enhanced productivity.”
--- Doug Gertner