Barbara Dowell Lancaster
Barbara has 23 years of leadership experience
in a variety of fields, including manufacturing, software creation,
marketing and sales. Her management positions have spanned a wide range
of disciplines from financial and telecommunications to publishing and
direct marketing. She led a $100 million printing plant for R.R. Donnelley
in Torrance, CA. She has worked with employees at all levels of their
organizations, including executives, directors, managers, supervisors
and high potential performers.
Core Competencies:
- Leadership Development
- Executive Coaching & Mentoring
- Process Improvement
- Succession Planning
- Start-ups, Shut-downs, Mergers and Reorganizations
- Management & First-Line Training
- Peer & Employee Coaching
Education & Certifications:
- B.A. in Economics & Biology, Bucknell University
- Graduate work in Organizational Dynamics, Franklin
& Marshall College
- Executive Leadership Programs, Northwestern University,
Indiana University and University of Maryland
- College of Executive Coaching, Santa Barbara, CA
Barb is an active volunteer in her community. She leads
the Torrance Public Library Foundation and is a Board member of Junior
Achievement of Southern California. She is an accomplished underwater
videographer and world traveler.
“The higher you move in an organization,
the harder it is to find people who will tell you the truth. When
leaders solicit and learn from the straight-forward feedback of their
co-workers, it increases their effectiveness and job satisfaction
---Barbara Dowell